A warm Devon welcome awaits you at The Fisherman's Rest...

Have you tried our real ales from the Otter Brewery?

Want to book a table for dinner tonight? ...Call 01548 550 284

An ideal wedding reception venue in South Devon...
The Fisherman's Rest
At the bar
The Fisherman’s Rest is a great place to stop and enjoy a drink with family or friends, perhaps even outside by the stream if you are lucky enough to visit at the same time as the Devon sunshine.
Of course often people are looking for a drink to accompany our fantastic food, and Mark and his team are always on hand to recommend a good wine or a real ale.
The fine beers from the Otter Brewery in Devon are often accompanied by guest beers from other regional real ale breweries.
A wide range of wines, Champagne and Port are also available, sourced from Devon wine merchants Christopher Piper Wines.
The Fisherman’s Rest is a dog friendly pub, with well behaved dogs on leads welcome in the bar area.